Friday, May 30, 2008


no pictures please!!! i vant to be alone! those damn paprotzy wont leave me alone! its so hard to be a rock star! ha ha love ya blog ya later!


Vince said...

so i read the title as "rock star" then read the blog, then i realized that the title is actually "rock satr", hella nuts yayo!

Valerie said...

I know what you mean Charise! It is so hard being as awesome as we are because people always have to follow us around and try to be like us. Then the media has to take pictures and write all those stories. It is rough price to pay, but someone has to be this awesome....

Mary said...

get up...

go to it..

get your mind and do it...

I have a patient who is fighting for her life: and she told me:
" I am not sad to die... I am sad not to live anymore."